Sunday, March 27, 2011

Third Tracking Experience

March 23, 2011

Today, Erica and I went out behind the college near the river and searched for tracks of any kind. All the snow was pretty much gone leaving behind mud. There were many white ash trees in the area. We found the most common of all tracks: domestic dog foot prints. By just looking at the tracks we could tell it belonged to a dog but we wanted to examine the tracks just to be sure.

  • We could draw an X through the front and rear tracks which meant that it was a dog
  • Toes splay out
  • Front track bigger than rear
  • Plantar pad pointed with single lobe
  • Oval shaped
Print: 4 inches wide, 4 inches long
Step: 7 inches wide, 36 inches long

    Hypothesis: Domestic Dog

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